Company in the News June 2023

See what PlayGround-NY Writers and Company are up to this June!

From June 14th-18th, Dana Leslie Goldstein‘s short play FRAGILE will be part of the “Blurring Boundaries” festival at Hudson Guild Theatre, produced by New Ambassadors Theatre Company. Tickets available here. On June 14th, an excerpt from Dana’s very new play 3 SISTERS, 3 WITCHES, 3 GHOSTS will be part of the Monologue Slam at Project Y Theatre’s Women In Theater Festival at ART/NY. And from June 16th-25th, on the opposite coast, Dana’s play FRIENDLY SKIES, which was written for PlayGround-NY and part of NY’s Best Of…, will be produced by Exit Theatre in Arcata, CA. Tickets available here.

Illana Stein directs a workshop and staged reading of “Take My Milk for Gall” by Leela Velautham that was selected for a new play festival SparkFest at Amphibian Stage in Fort Worth, Texas. Performances are June 8 at 8 PM and June 10 at 3 PM. Both Illana and Leela are Playground-NY members and this full length was originally a 10 minute piece that was expanded during a Playground fellowship. The readings will be followed by a Q&A with Director and Playwright. Tickets and info available here.

Louise Schwarz’s ten-minute play A Little Bit Vacant will be featured in the Glass Ceiling Breakers 3 festival in Garrison, NY from June 16-18th. Info and tickets available here. Louise Schwarz’s one-act play Goat Coaster is being released in July by Next Stage Press. Click here for more info.

Sheila Collins has been tapped to direct a play for The Magnetic Theatre’s annual One-Act Play festival in Asheville, NC. This will be Sheila’s very first turn as a director and she is extremely excited about the project and grateful for the Theatre’s trust in her abilities as a performance artist. “The Magnetic Theatre nurtures and produces new works, focusing on local and emerging playwrights.” Sheila will direct Speed Dating, which runs from August 4th through August 13th. For more information, click here.

Julia Brothers is workshopping a new play by David Zheng, KIDNAPPING JANE DOE, directed by Raelle Myrick Hodges and with an incredible cast! The In person reading is on Thursday, June 15th at 2pm at La Mama Downstairs 66 East 4th Street, NYC, NY 10003. Info and tickets available here.

Austin Ku is currently performing now through 6/18 as Francis Crick (of Watson & Crick) in the world premiere of new musical Double Helix at Bay Street Theater (Sag Harbor, NY), about Rosalind Franklin and the discovery of DNA. If you’re in the Hamptons come by and see us! Get tickets here.

Louise Schwarz’s ten-minute play A LITTLE BIT VACANT will be featured in Glass Ceiling Breakers 3, a theatre and film festival this June in the Hudson Valley. Learn more here.

Nathaniel P. Claridad will be directing A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM at Weathervane Theatre, opening on August 22nd. After that he will be directing THE PROM at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Olivia Songer will be the directing fellow at Chautauqua Theater Company this summer!