Company in the News Sep-2024

See what PlayGround-NY Writers and Company are up to this September!

JULLY LEE will be in two staged readings this month: CHINESE REPUBLICANS by Alex Lin, directed by Chay Yew at the Roundabout Theatre on September 13 and CALLIGRAPHY by Velina Hasu Houston at Pan Asian Repertory, directed by Kalina Ko (PGNY Associate Producer!) on September 19. Learn more here!

Danielle E. Moore’s feminist revenge comedy-in-rhymed-verse, “Merely Players,” originally written as a short for Playground-NY’s Shakespeare Multiverse prompt, was recently named a Quarterfinalist for Synecdoche Works’ Frank Mosier Moffett Fellowship for Works in Heightened Language. The piece will also have a reading with Atlanta Dramatists on September 1st. Danielle is currently working on a to-be-announced commission for Philadelphia-based Pier Players Theatre Company (you can check out The New Yorker’s review of their most recent musical production here).

Ed Gonzalez Moreno will play J. Stuart Blackton in “The Vitagraph Story” at the Flea Theatre Sept 27, 28- 7:30 and Sept 29 – 2:30

Julia Brothers goes into rehearsal for the world premiere of the almost 100 year old play, Sump’n Like Wings by Lynn Riggs at The Mint Theater on Theater Row in NYC. Directed by Raelle Myrick-Hodges (Bay Area represents!), the play runs September 21st – November 2nd. Learn more here!

Todd Cerveris is currently engaged in the Denver Center for the Performing Arts production of HAMLET, running until October 5, 2024. Learn more here!

Wiley Naman Strasser is playing Orlando in the CalShakes production of As You Like It, September 12-29 at the Bruns. Learn more here!

Laith Zuaiter will be acting in his first off off broadway show called The Mulberry Tree by Hannah Eady and Edward Mast. Directed by Alexandra Aron at La Mama on October 10-October 20. Learn more here!