Company in the News February 2023

See what PlayGround-NY Writers and Company are up to this February!

As well as being a writer, Jack Feldstein is an animator, who created an online series called ANIMATED NEW YORKERS. Here’s the latest episode hot off the press, featuring composer Greta Gertler Gold. View the post here.

Dana Leslie Goldstein‘s full-length play DAUGHTERS of the SEXUAL REVOLUTION will be published in February by Next Stage Press. Copies will be available at the Drama Book Shop or by ordering online. Find out more here.

After a successful performance in New York City’s International Human Rights Arts Festival, Rebecca Kane‘s play SAFE WALK will be performed in Little Fish Theatre’s Pick of the Vine 2023, an annual festival of short plays. Purchase tickets here.

Alexander Perez‘s short play GOD LEARNS OF THE DEATH OF HARAMBE, 2016 (colorized) will be a part of Program#5 at the Chain Theatre Winter One Act Festival in NYC! Use code HARAMBE to send your support the cast directly! Shows are: 01/29 – 5pm, 02/04 8pm (streaming option available), 02/08 6:30pm, and 02/12 2pm. Find out more here.